We got our Christmas tree from Dull's Tree Farm the day after Thanksgiving this year. The earliest we have ever gotten one! I love having it up in the house. It smells so good... even if it still isn't decorated yet. Chris and I have gone to Dull's Tree Farm to cut down our Christmas tree 5 years in a row now. We love it there, and I hope it's a tradition we can continue. Wren was pretty excited about it all....

It was kinda windy, but it was still a warm and sunny day!
Not a super Christmasy feel, but ideal weather when taking a 7 month old out to cut down a tree.
It was kinda windy, but it was still a warm and sunny day!
Not a super Christmasy feel, but ideal weather when taking a 7 month old out to cut down a tree.
Our tree is in there somewhere. We always get a Canaan fir. It was a little more difficult choosing the "perfect tree" this year because it was opening day at the tree farm... we had the first pick of this year's trees! Usually we go a little bit later in the Christmas season, so the trees are more picked over. This year it was hard to decide which perfect tree was the tree for us!
Found it! Chris cutting it down.
This place is soooooo cute!
I'm sad we didn't get a picture of of the 3 of us... I will have to take one after we finally get the tree decorated. Hopefully soon! We decided to rearrange the living room a bit after we brought the tree in the house, so the living room and the dining room are in complete disarray right now... I'm not joking. It totally looks like our house has been ransacked. I really don't want to add all the Christmas stuff to the mess just yet. I'm hoping to get the house back together tomorrow, and then Christmas decorations are going up!
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