Chris, Wren, and I spent our St. Patrick's Day downtown Indy.
The weather was absolutely beautiful, so we decided to walk around downtown.
We started on Mass Ave at Mass Ave Toys.
I couldn't believe how much fun Wren had there!
She loved playing with the toys, the babies especially.
We spent a good 45 minutes in the toy store.
Wren was so independent, pushing baby strollers and shopping carts all over the store.
So much fun!

Pushing two babies in a shopping cart and carrying one in her other hand
(you can see the feet sticking out behind her).
The weather was absolutely beautiful, so we decided to walk around downtown.
We started on Mass Ave at Mass Ave Toys.
I couldn't believe how much fun Wren had there!
She loved playing with the toys, the babies especially.
We spent a good 45 minutes in the toy store.
Wren was so independent, pushing baby strollers and shopping carts all over the store.
So much fun!
Pushing two babies in a shopping cart and carrying one in her other hand
(you can see the feet sticking out behind her).
Back to pushing the babies, this time with a kitty cat in tow.
She was so excited when she first saw that cat.
She hugged and kissed it.
I think she really thought it was real!
Peg board with kitty.
After Mass Ave Toys, we walked over to the canal (dyed green for St. Patrick's Day)!
So many people were out and about... everyone wearing green!
Wren had been in her stroller for quite a while, so we stopped at this "fitness park" for her to get out and stretch her legs.
She loved running around....
Spending the day with my lovely little family!
After walking along the canal, we decided to find a place to eat dinner.
I wasn't sure how well Wren was going to do at a dining establishment this late in the day.
By this point she was tired of her stroller and just wanted to eat wood chips while walking down the sidewalk BY HERSELF.
Holding Mommy or Daddy's hand while walking down a bustling city sidewalk?
Yeah, right... not happening.
Uh yeah, she was being very independent and rather stubborn...
I have no idea where she would get that kind of behavior from.
Fortunately, we had Cheerios in the diaper bag, a wonderful distraction from doing all the things we didn't want her to do.
So, armed with our baby-snack-ammo, and hanging onto the hope that Wren would not throw a toddler-like tantrum in the restaurant, we bravely decided to eat at Bru Burger Bar.
And ohmygosh, I'm so glad we did because the burgers were frickin' awesome!
And I'm so glad we decided to give it a go because Wren did awesome, too!
Okay, so about the food... oh man, the food...
I had the ground turkey burger (although I wish it would have been beef rather than turkey, I think it would have been more juicy)... but anyway, it had carrot ginger slaw, peach compote, and curried mayo on a multi-grain bun.
Chris had the Provencal burger with basil aoili, red onion, herbed goat cheese, and marinated portobello.
Again, yum.
Wren dug 'em both.
(I'm so glad I have such an adventurous little eater!)
After we ate, it was time to go home.
It had been a long, busy afternoon for our little babe.
She was super tired, crying and signing "milk" to me by 7:00pm!
Tired girl!
While St. Patrick's Day this year was much different than it has been in years past,
I wouldn't trade the day with my little family for anything in the world!
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