How fast a year goes.
My baby is one!
My family (Mom, John, Maeve, Sorcha, Fionn, and Grandma and Grandpa Knight) all made the trip down for the big celebration. Fortunately, Wren's birthday fell on Easter weekend, which coincided perfectly with Spring break for the kids. They left Thursday after school, spent the night in Bloomington, Illinois, and made it to our house right after Wren's nap on Friday!
We hung out at our house for a bit so Wren could warm up a bit to all the new faces.
She did great!
A little shy at first...
...but she warmed up pretty quickly.
Here she's playing with Grandma O's bracelet.
I made all of the decorations myself, so it was awesome having so many helping hands to help set up!
Snuggin' Momma and Grandma O'
(Wren's Tiny Baby got in on some snuggin' action, too.)
Eating Cheerios with Grandpa O'
Hangin' with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa (and her favorite barn kitty) while we decorate.
With Great Grandma!
Wren loves her Aunt Sorch!
She also loves her cousin Macy...

Here's a big old kiss for ya, Macy! :)
After setting up, Grandma and Grandpa took us all out to eat at Texas Roadhouse.
It was so nice getting together with everyone.
The food was great and Wren did wonderfully, despite being waaaaay past her bedtime.
The next morning (Wren's birthday!), I made orange (birthday!) pancakes for breakfast.
They were so yummy!
Chris, Wren, and I spent the rest of the morning getting things ready for the party...
picking up cupcakes, putting the finishing touches on things, snuggin' on our one year old :)
The party was at 3:30pm, so after Wren's nap, we headed over for an afternoon of fun!
Tasty food, 6 (six!) different kinds of cupcakes, beautiful weather, lots of family and friends, and pony rides!
It was freakin' awesome.
Here are some party pics from the day....
Huggin' Aunt Sorch!
Family pony ride!
Singing to the Birthday Girl!
My family! :)
This is where we kept the little kids...
just kidding.
With Aunt Sorcha... again!
Diggin' right in.

Most of the kids with one of the ponies.
What a wonderful day!
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