Wren turned 2 on April 7th!
We celebrated the Friday before her birthday with Jim & Kathleen, Matt, Josie & Macy, Joe & Cathy (Josie's parents), and Tammy (Josie's sister).
We threw a fondue party at Jim and Kathleen's!
Wren loves to dip, dip, dip her food, so we thought a fondue party would be perfect for our 2 year old.
She loved it!
I had been asking her days in advance what kind of cake she wanted for her birthday.
Each and every time she said she wanted blue cake.
Blue cake?!
I refused to make a homemade cake with good, wholesome ingredients, and then taint it with artificial food coloring....
Absolutely was not happening.
So I decided to bake her a BLUEberry cake.
Although the decorative frosting looks more purple than blue, it was as close as it was going to get.
In the long run, she didn't care anyway.

Dip, dip, dipping away

Group shot

Birthday girl

My 2 year old!

Wren's "blue" cake
It was actually a triple-lemon blueberry cake
Recipe can be found here
We celebrated the Friday before her birthday with Jim & Kathleen, Matt, Josie & Macy, Joe & Cathy (Josie's parents), and Tammy (Josie's sister).
We threw a fondue party at Jim and Kathleen's!
Wren loves to dip, dip, dip her food, so we thought a fondue party would be perfect for our 2 year old.
She loved it!
I had been asking her days in advance what kind of cake she wanted for her birthday.
Each and every time she said she wanted blue cake.
Blue cake?!
I refused to make a homemade cake with good, wholesome ingredients, and then taint it with artificial food coloring....
Absolutely was not happening.
So I decided to bake her a BLUEberry cake.
Although the decorative frosting looks more purple than blue, it was as close as it was going to get.
In the long run, she didn't care anyway.

Dip, dip, dipping away

Group shot

Birthday girl
My 2 year old!

Wren's "blue" cake
It was actually a triple-lemon blueberry cake
Recipe can be found here
The daddies and their 2-year olds!
On Wren's actual birthday, we celebrated by going to the zoo after breakfast.
It was a beautiful day! It finally felt like Spring here.
After nap, we spent the afternoon playing in Wren's brand new sandbox.
Chris built her one for her birthday!
She absolutely loves it.
All she wants to do now is "pay outside."
We ate a birthday pizza picnic outside for dinner.
And we went to Ritter's for frozen custard for dessert!

She loves playing with these animals in the sand

So much fun!
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, pay no attention to the dead arborvitae in the background...)

I can't believe my first baby is 2 already!
So, at 2, Wren is so much fun...
She loves to help me bake and cook.
I love to have such a great helper in the kitchen!
She drags a chair out from the dining room into the kitchen and stands at the counter to help me.
She dumps ingredients in, helps me crack eggs, and stirs like a pro already!
She loves playing with her sister.
She wants to hold Calla all the time.
I have actually caught her a few times trying to pick her up... all by herself.
Uh, not good.
It is sweet, though.
She just loves her baby sis so much!
Her favorite game right now is hide-and -seek.
She has learned to count to 10 (sort of) because we play so much.
She loves playing when Chris is home at night.
When she's the one seeking, she always misses 7 when counting.
She shouts "ready not ready not" when she gets to 10, and goes tearing through the house looking for whoever is hiding.
She always looks first in the place that we hid last.
If she's the one hiding, she usually comes running out when you come looking for her.
If she does stay hidden, her giggling is a dead give away as to where she is.
Her favorite spot to hide is under Calla's crib.
I have noticed her playing hide-and-seek with her stuffed animals sometimes, too.
She throws them in a cupboard or something, runs away quickly, and counts (usually only to 4).
I hear "ready not ready not," and then she runs to wherever they are "hiding."
Makes me smile.
I can't wait to see what this next year has in store...
she's already talking about her next birthday.
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