I can't believe it, Wren is 20 weeks old today! So, does that mean she is officially 5 months old, or does that label not come until September 7? I just don't know... either way, she's getting so big! As I type this, she is wrestling with her "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" book on the floor. She has a love/hate relationship with her books... she LOVES to look at the pictures and chew on the pages, but she HATES that she can't hold the books up by herself. She just can't figure it out. I have tried giving her smaller books, thinking that maybe she could hold one with smaller dimensions, but apparently that's not the case. She's soooooo frustrated on the floor right now. I keep stopping every few sentences to set one up for her, which she loves, and then she tries to eat it and it gets knocked over, making her so mad. Poor girl. It's rough being a baby.
2 days ago
I can see the pics now! She is adorable!
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