Well, back to work today. It's always so hard going back after I have had a lot of days off. It's not that I don't like my job, I actually really love it, it's just hard to leave Wren after spending so many days in a row with her. Once we get back into the swing of things it's fine....
Chris and Wren went to the farmer's market downtown today while I was working. They brought back lots of fun stuff... peaches, melon, carrot cake, corn, a huge lemon bar... all sorts of yummy stuff! I met them over at Jim and Kathleen's for pizza after I was done with work. Matt, Josie, and Macy were there, too! It's always so fun getting the girls together. Macy is one month and one day older than Wren, but what a difference those few weeks make! Miss Macy has 2 teeth already! And she's crawling! It's entertaining watching Wren and Macy interact. They just look at each other... it's so funny. I can't wait until they are older and can run around together!
Well, short post tonight... bed time. I have some pics on the camera I could post, but honestly I'm too lazy to go to the living room to get the camera. Ha. Here's one from my phone from a while ago. Makes me laugh cause her momma and daddy like "canny" a lot....and if she's anything like us, she probably will, too.....
2 days ago
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