Every week Wren and I attend the Baby and Toddler program at the library.
In August, they took a 5 week break.
BUUUUUT, the librarian threw a "Splishy Splashy Squishy Squashy Summer Fun Party" before the break.
The kids came in swimming suits and got to play in pools full of bubbles and shaving cream!

In August, they took a 5 week break.
BUUUUUT, the librarian threw a "Splishy Splashy Squishy Squashy Summer Fun Party" before the break.
The kids came in swimming suits and got to play in pools full of bubbles and shaving cream!
Wren's playing it safe with safety goggles.
Definitely a fun day, but we were sad to take such a long break from our library friends.
Fortunately, the library program just started up again this past week!
Pregnancy update....
- How far along are you? 23 weeks 5 days
- How big is the baby? about 10.5-11.8 inches and about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces... the size of a grapefruit!
- Weight gain? Ugh. I don't even want to think about this. I have put on 20 pounds in 23 weeks! Yikes. I attribute this last large gain to a 2 week vacation. Now those numbers need to stop going up so ridiculously fast! :)
- Stretchmarks? None, fortunately.... yet, anyway.
- Belly button? In, in, in.
- Cravings? Coffee. Weird. I couldn't stand it last pregnancy, and up until just a couple of weeks ago during this pregnancy. Now I'm drinking a small cup most mornings!
- Latest hormonal outburst? I got quite emotional about the recycling bin being inaccessible the other day. Jeez.
- Vomiting? No, thank goodness.
- Feeling prepared? Some days. I would really like to get a start on Wren's big girl room by October. She is moving down the hall into Chris's office and we are moving the office downstairs... one of these days.
- Names? I have decided that this baby probably won't have a name. :)
- Sleep? Still sleeping well.
- Random pregnancy side effects? Pulled stomach muscles randomly throughout the day. Not fun.
- Best moment this week? Chris has been able to feel the baby move!
- Gender? Not finding out again this time. Which is fortunate for us because at the 20 week ultrasound the ultrasound tech wasn't even be able to tell! Baby was rolled up in tight little ball, not showin' us nothin'!
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