Part 2 of our trip starts off back in Minnesota again.
After dropping Chris off at the airport in Madison, Wren and I spent the night at Dad's and headed back to Lewiston the next day.
We spent the next 10 days chasing ducks, feeding chickens, snuggling kitties, petting puppies... all sorts of fun stuff!

Wren at Grandma O's classroom helping her get ready for students.
After dropping Chris off at the airport in Madison, Wren and I spent the night at Dad's and headed back to Lewiston the next day.
We spent the next 10 days chasing ducks, feeding chickens, snuggling kitties, petting puppies... all sorts of fun stuff!
Wren at Grandma O's classroom helping her get ready for students.
We took this cute guy home with us
This was the last picture of our trip... in Chicago!
...and then my camera died.
We ended up having a great time on our trip!
Wren slept well the whole time... which was one of my biggest worries.
I used a white noise maker on my Kindle during naps and bed time, and it worked like a charm!
Wren did catch a bit of a bug for a few days while we were gone, but she still did great.
It was hard being away from Chris for so long, but I am really glad we made the trip back.
It was great to see everyone and be able to just relax rather than run around like crazy for 3 days.
We even made a day trip up to Minneapolis one day and saw 2 of my college roommates- Kelly and Anne.
It was sooooo good to see those girls!
I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked, but that's the way it goes sometimes.
Wren and I stayed in Lewiston until Friday afternoon, and then made the trip back to Baraboo that afternoon.
Chris's flight got in the next morning, so we spent that Friday afternoon/night hanging out with Dad and Barb.
Chris's flight got in on time (a little early, actually) and it was so good to see him!
10 days is a long time to not see each other!
Wren was pretty excited to see her Daddy again, too.
After picking him up, we decided to go home through Chicago and get lunch.
We ate at Fox & Obel and walked to Navy Pier after.
From Chicago, we only had about a 3 hour drive home.
And although we had a wonderful time visiting everyone, it was so nice to get home again!
And it was a dream come true having you here for so long!
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