Last month, Wren, Chris, and I made our summer trip back to the upper Midwest.
We had decided earlier in the month that Chris would drive up with us, stay a few days, and then fly back to Indy while Wren and I stayed a bit longer, then he would fly back at the end of our trip to drive back home with us.
I figured it was a good time for us to do an extended visit.
Ever since I left for college, I really haven't been "home" for more than a few days at a time.
Every time I make it back, I feel like we are running in 10 different directions with so many people to see in such a short amount of time.
Sooooo, with only one kid in tow, and no pressing issues back home, Wren and I stayed in Minnesota and Wisconsin for 10 whole days after Chris left.
I was a little apprehensive at first, especially since Wren cried all the way back to Dad's house after we dropped Chris off at the airport in Madison.
I thought that maybe I had gone crazy thinking that being a single parent for a week and a half was a good idea.
But as it turned out, Wren did fine, I did fine... I think it was Chris who had the hardest time without us! :)
We kept pretty busy the whole 2 weeks we were gone.
So busy, in fact, that I have split this trip up into 2 separate posts....
So, here ya go.
Lots of pictures ahead.....

Collecting eggs (or "llllags" as Wren says) at Grandma and Grandpa O's
We had decided earlier in the month that Chris would drive up with us, stay a few days, and then fly back to Indy while Wren and I stayed a bit longer, then he would fly back at the end of our trip to drive back home with us.
I figured it was a good time for us to do an extended visit.
Ever since I left for college, I really haven't been "home" for more than a few days at a time.
Every time I make it back, I feel like we are running in 10 different directions with so many people to see in such a short amount of time.
Sooooo, with only one kid in tow, and no pressing issues back home, Wren and I stayed in Minnesota and Wisconsin for 10 whole days after Chris left.
I was a little apprehensive at first, especially since Wren cried all the way back to Dad's house after we dropped Chris off at the airport in Madison.
I thought that maybe I had gone crazy thinking that being a single parent for a week and a half was a good idea.
But as it turned out, Wren did fine, I did fine... I think it was Chris who had the hardest time without us! :)
We kept pretty busy the whole 2 weeks we were gone.
So busy, in fact, that I have split this trip up into 2 separate posts....
So, here ya go.
Lots of pictures ahead.....
Collecting eggs (or "llllags" as Wren says) at Grandma and Grandpa O's
These pictures rounded off our trip while Chris was with us.
Part 2 to come tomorrow...
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