Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Calla One Month

Well, Calla is officially one month old as of January 27!
What a crazy month it has been.
Bringing home an adorable new baby...
Juggling a crazy toddler and a hungry newborn...
Figuring how to get everyone fed, 
and out the door in one piece...
Keeping everyone ALIVE, 
and keeping my sanity throughout it all.
Not an easy task.
But we are figuring it out...

I love, love, love snuggling on Calla.
She co-sleeps part of the night with us,
(hey, it's not for everyone, but it works for us for now)
and she is just the snuggliest little bug ever.
My crazy-pants toddler has been much too busy for snuggle time since she could walk, 
so I am relishing in the fact that this baby has no choice but to cuddle with me.

Calla usually gets up once in the middle of the night to nurse, and then right back to sleep.
She's up again between 4 and 6, I bring her to bed with me to nurse again, and then we both go back to sleep until Wren wakes up around 8:30-9.
Calla eats ALL. DAY. LONG. to make up for this...
but hey, I'm sleeping at night, so I can't complain, right?
Wren was the same way.

Speaking of Little Miss Wren...
she absolutely LOVES her baby sister.
She is constantly hugging her and kissing her and loving on her.
Sometimes a little too much.
I have had to save Calla a few times now from Wren's super-lovey-yet-kind-of-too-aggressive hugs.
Her little arms get wrapped a bit too tightly around poor Calla's tiny neck.
She just loves her baby sister so, so, so much! :)

It's not all rainbows and butterflies around here, however.
Wren does act out sometimes.
A lot lately, actually.
Especially during a marathon nursing session.
I'm stuck on the couch, and the little stinker knows it. :)
I feel like I don't always have the patience I should have with her.
It is hard taking care of two little ones.
Granted, not as hard as I was preparing myself for...
but it's not always easy.
Especially when they BOTH need you.
How do you choose?
Like I said, we are figuring it out.
but we are getting there.

Here's the little sweet pea at one week old.
I am doing a different format this time around with the month-to-month pics.
When I did Wren's, I wished that I had an object for scale.
This time, I am using the same 12 month onesie on Calla each month.
It should be fun to watch her fill it out!
The picture frame in the picture will kind of serve the same purpose, too.

The writing is a little hard to decipher.
It's says..

1 Week
8lbs. 7oz.
21 inches
-Back up to birth weight!
-Great first week home

I don't think I will be adding all that info every month,
maybe just height and weight.
I think it's too hard to read in the pictures.

Anyway, we attempted our first "family outing" this past weekend.
It actually went quite well.
We met the Ryan family at the Children's Museum for a few hours Saturday morning.
It was good to get Wren out of the house for a bit.
I think she has a bit of cabin fever these days.
Poor girl needs to run!
Calla slept like the entire time we were out.
We were all even able to grab lunch!
At a sit-down dining establishment!
With 4 kids in tow!
During the middle of the day!
And there were no mishaps!
Now that, my friends, is a successful day in my book.