Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back to Work

Well, back to work today.  It's always so hard going back after I have had a lot of days off.  It's not that I don't like my job, I actually really love it, it's just hard to leave Wren after spending so many days in a row with her.  Once we get back into the swing of things it's fine....

Chris and Wren went to the farmer's market downtown today while I was working.  They brought back lots of fun stuff...  peaches, melon, carrot cake, corn, a huge lemon bar... all sorts of yummy stuff! I met them over at Jim and Kathleen's for pizza after I was done with work.  Matt, Josie, and Macy were there, too!  It's always so fun getting the girls together.  Macy is one month and one day older than Wren, but what a difference those few weeks make!  Miss Macy has 2 teeth already!  And she's crawling!  It's entertaining watching Wren and Macy interact.  They just look at each other... it's so funny.  I can't wait until they are older and can run around together!

Well, short post tonight... bed time.  I have some pics on the camera I could post, but honestly I'm too lazy to go to the living room to get the camera.  Ha.  Here's one from my phone from a while ago.  Makes me laugh cause her momma and daddy like "canny" a lot....and if she's anything like us, she probably will, too.....

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Braunschweiger*, anyone?

Chris came home from work this morning with a brown paper bag full of goodies.  My first thought was, "Booze?  At 10:30 in the morning?  A little early, but I'm game... Wren's still napping.   I could have a quick morning mixed drink before she needs to eat again.... Do we have any orange juice?  Hmmm, or Coke, maybe?"....  While I was trying to think about what kind of mixers we have in the house, Chris started unpacking the bag, and instead of pulling out glass bottles of alcohol, he pulled out beautifully wrapped packages of meat!  German meat!  Bacon!  Sausage!  Peppered Beef!  Schweinebauch!  Westfalian Ham!  We don't eat much meat around here, as you can see by my reaction to a bag full of meat.  Not that we don't like meat, we actually love it, but it's so hard to find meat from animals that have been humanely raised and not chock full of steroids and growth hormones.  Meat is like a treat around our house, and I kind of like it that way, actually.... we probably only make meals with meat once a week, and it's usually beef from the grass-fed cow we have in our deep freezer in the garage.  So this goodie bag was a real treat! I love the place it comes from...Claus' German Sausage and Meat (it's close to our house, too).  We get all of our "wursts" from there when we have cook-outs... bratwurst, knackwurst, bockwurst, any kind of wurst you can think of!  The guys that run the show there are German all the way.  It's neat to hear them speak with their accents, makes me think of my roommate in college, McKenna.  Her boyfriend is from Germany and he would crack me up by doing nothing but being German... he would say things like "puppy-cat" when referring to kittens... oh, and I loved the "short pants" that he wore.  Ah, Europeans and their funny fashion!  Anyway, back to the meat.  Chris and I just ate 3 sandwiches on rye bread (Claus makes bread, too... no preservatives, made fresh!) between the two of us.  Yum.  Looking forward to bacon and eggs this weekend!

*Despite the title of this post, we did NOT get an braunschweiger.  Makes me think of my mom being pregnant with one of the little kids... can't remember which one.  But I remember her eating it right out of the package.  It reminded me of wet cat food.  And it smelled bad.  Really.  Bad.  Some people seem to really like it, though.  Maybe I should try it someday..... it just might be delicious!

So, we have a sicky chicky here.  Pretty sure she has what I had this last weekend.  She's been sleeping all morning, so here are some pics from yesterday.  Not feeling so good, so nap time snuggling happened in Momma's bed....
 She loves sleeping with things on her face.  
I usually let her fall asleep that way, then I pull the blanket down.
Nothing better than a B&B (binky and blanky) in Momma's bed!

Monday, August 29, 2011


We had a great day yesterday!  The weather cooled off a bit, so we were able to get downtown and walk around during the afternoon.  We started off with brunch at Mesh on Mass Ave.  Wren does so well when we go out!  I was a little apprehensive because last time we went to Mesh, she pooped everywhere.  Ah, what a fun time that was.... I went to change her, and of course there wasn't a changing table in the bathroom... so I had to change her on a blanket on the bathroom floor.  Icky.  Mesh is one of those places where the lighting is very dim, so I couldn't see a darn thing.... Wren was hollerin' at me the whole time I was changing her, squirming all around on the floor.  So I was trying to change her, keep her from actually touching the floor with her hands (or her tongue), all the while trying to keep the poop from getting all over her and me.  Sometimes I feel like I just don't have enough arms.... anyway, I finally got her changed, dressed, and all packed up when I realized she didn't just have a blowout, she had a massive blowout.  All over her onesie and cute skirt she was wearing.  I didn't notice this the first time around because of the super dark lighting, remember?  I guess it's nice mood lighting or whatever, but less than ideal for changing poopy diapers.  Sooooooo, I had to lay everything out again on the floor.  Ick ick ick.  By this point Wren was totally over being changed and she was maaaa-aaaad.  Oh yeah, did I mention that the bathroom was a single stall room???  I was just praying that there wasn't someone on the other side waiting to get in... because by this point we had been in there a solid 15 minutes.  Yikes. Luckily, no one was waiting, I had an extra outfit for Wren, and I managed to keep poop and bathroom nastiness off of both of us the whole time.  Yay!  It still was not an experience I would like to repeat.  Ever.  This time around at Mesh, however, we had no poop problems!  Wren just sat and played while Chris and I enjoyed our lovely meal... and momma even had a mimosa!  Woohoo!  After brunch we walked down Mass Ave, stopped in a bunch of the cute shops, and eventually made our way down to the circle to get a hot fudge sundae at the South Bend Chocolate Company.  Yum.  It was a great day with my family!  Can't wait for fall weather so we can get out more.  I meant to get pictures yesterday, but I totally forgot.... so here a few pics of Wren enjoying the latest package from Grandpa B and Grandma Barb....

Books, books, books!

Hey Wren, what's your favorite new book?
 Apparently she likes "Kiki"!

Such a happy girl!
Thanks Grandpa and Grandma B! 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tutu Too Cute!

Here is my Saturday night project.... a super cutesy tutu for my little tootle bug!  I have been keeping an eye out for Colts apparel for the chickaloo, but it's all so expensive.  They slap an NFL logo on a onesie, and can charge you 35 bucks for it!  Crazy, if you ask me!  Sooooo, I have been eyeing some adorable tutus similar to this one online... and I figured I would try my hand at making my own.  It really ended up being a fairly simple project.  Four yards of tulle, an elastic band, and a pair of scissors was really all I needed.  Cutting the tulle was probably the most labor intensive... thankfully it's a very forgiving material!  The only sewing I had to do was to sew the ends of the elastic together, and that's it!  Love, love, love it!  I made it a little large so Wren can wear it this year for sure, and hopefully it will fit for a few years to come yet, too!  So I know this doesn't look totally Colts-ish yet, but I intend on sewing on a homemade Colts logo onto this onesie and she should be set for game time!  Haha, what a cutie patootie.  She has already been a fan of watching the pre-season games... I think that makes her Daddy pretty happy.  :)

She seems to like it, too!  She may have to wearing leggings or tights underneath if she ends up having super sensitive skin like her momma.... but I think it's cute either way!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sicky Saturday

Blah.  I have some sort of head-cold.  Not fun.  Congestion.  Runny nose.  Horrible headaches.  Blah, blah, blah.  I hope Wren doesn't get it... or Chris, either.  I remember this past winter Chris had something similar.  It was absolutely horrible.  I was about ready to put him out of his (and my!) misery.  Haha... I think at one point I told him if he were an animal, I would have him put down.  Real sympathetic wife, eh?  :)

Anyway, I did hit up all of the craft stores today... looking for cute ideas for my friend Teresa's baby shower coming up.  Ended up getting some tulle at Joann Fabic and I made Wren a super cute tutu!  Will post pics soon. I just finished it and can't wait to see what it looks like on her tomorrow!

Alright, this sicky is going to bed!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Bumbo Seat

Wren spends a majority of her play time on her belly these days.  I put her on her back, and she immediately flips over... I try holding her in my lap, and she squirms away pretty quickly.  She likes to sit up when I hold her sometimes, but she doesn't have the back support to sit up unassisted yet.  This is where the bumbo seat comes into play.  I put her in, snap the tray on, and give her some toys...

But I don't think she quite gets it.......

I placed her toys on the tray.....

 ....but all the toys were cleared off immediately...

...and she played with them on the floor instead.

That's alright.  We tried. 

Anyway.... here is a cute pic of Wren-a-roo wearing her newest hair pretty from Aunt Stacy!

  Love it!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

20 Weeks!

I can't believe it, Wren is 20 weeks old today! So, does that mean she is officially 5 months old, or does that label not come until September 7? I just don't know... either way, she's getting so big! As I type this, she is wrestling with her "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" book on the floor. She has a love/hate relationship with her books... she LOVES to look at the pictures and chew on the pages, but she HATES that she can't hold the books up by herself. She just can't figure it out. I have tried giving her smaller books, thinking that maybe she could hold one with smaller dimensions, but apparently that's not the case. She's soooooo frustrated on the floor right now. I keep stopping every few sentences to set one up for her, which she loves, and then she tries to eat it and it gets knocked over, making her so mad. Poor girl. It's rough being a baby.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Here We Go...

I've been meaning to start one of these for a long time now, but life has gone by so quickly these past few months.... our baby girl is growing up so fast! We wanted our friends and family to be able to peek in on how things are going in the Tilson household... Wren is changing so fast, it's even hard for us to keep up with her! I'm hoping to blog a few times a week to keep ya'll updated (especially for all the grandmas and grandpas and aunts and uncles that live so, so, so far away!)

Sooooo, I guess I will just dive on in....

Today was a Wren and Daddy day! I worked 8am-6pm, so Chris was running the show today! I'm so lucky to have a husband I can count on 100% to take care of our little one. Even though I call him 20 times during the day to just "check in," I know everything is just fine, even if things aren't done exactly the way I do them. I'm sure he's the one that gets frustrated with me "checking in" so many times! This is actually how many messages/phone calls I made today to make sure things were going a-okay at home...

S text C: 8:25 am- Let me know when Wren eats so I can pump
S call C: 9:00 am
S text C: 9:18 am- Still sleeping?
S call C: 9:37 am
S text C: 9:46 am- Did a lot of milk spill?
S call C: 11:19 am
S text C: 12:39 am- Are you gonna stop by to get the stroller?
S call C: 1:45 pm
S text C: 4:07 pm- What the littlest punkinest doodle doing?
S text C: 4:09 pm- How long has chickaloo been sleeping?
S text C: 4:26 pm- I'm going to pump
S call C: 5:36 pm... COMIN HOME!

This doesn't even include all the calls Chris made to me or any of his texts... haha, he does so well dealing with me being a first-time slightly neurotic mom! I know everything will be just fine while I'm gone, but I can't help wanting to know what Wren (aka punkin, chickaloo, Wren-a-roo, punkadoo, roodles, chickyloodle....) is doing, when she's eating, how much she's eating, when and how long she's sleeping, is she happy? crabby? poopy? He always answers all of my questions and assures me that everything is just fine... and I KNOW that it is, but I am so used to spending so much time with her every day, it's hard to be away for so long! I did make it through the day in one piece, however... and I even got a little Wren-fix this afternoon when Chris stopped by to pick up the stroller from my car so he could take Wren to the mall. So nice to see them even for a few minutes this afternoon! Long day today, but I don't have to work again until next Wednesday! Woohoo!!!!!! :)

Here's a pic of my little cutie playing with her toys after I got home tonight!