Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Children's Museum!

Chris and I took Wren on her (and my!) first trip to the Children's Museum a few weeks ago.
It was so much fun!
We ended up buying a year-long family pass while we were there.
I have already taken Wren once since then...
I plan on taking her A LOT this summer!
Here is the big girl before we left...
first time with piggy tails!

She left them in...
for a little while.

My blue eyed baby!

I just love this little face.

At the Hot Wheels exhibit.

She loved playing with all the cars.

Walking with Daddy.

Playing with Legos.

Wren's favorite spot in the Playscape...
the play house!
Playscape is for kids 5 and under, and it's WONDERFUL!

First carousel ride!

Clapping on the ride.

We had a great time at the Children's Museum!
Can't wait to spend more time there.
There is soooooo much to do and see!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Corn on the Cob

Wren's first go-around with corn on the cob....

She did pretty darn well!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Swimming with Graham and Melissa

Okay, okay, okay...
I know I haven't posted in a loooooong time.
I have been taking pictures, however, so hopefully I can start posting them in a timely manner.

Here are some pictures from Graham and Melissa's trip over Memorial Day.
They were in Cincinnati for a wedding, and since they were so close, we went and picked them up on Sunday.
We hung out all day Sunday, and they stayed at a hotel that night.
We had all day Monday with them before their flights left, so we spent some time swimming at their hotel for a bit.
Unfortunately, these were the only pics I took all weekend...

 We have a little water baby on our hands!

Friday, June 8, 2012

New Car Seat = New Fun Toy

When we bought an infant car seat while I was pregnant with Wren, Chris and I thought we were being pretty smart by spending a little extra money to get a car seat where the weight limitations went up to 30 lbs and 30 inches rather than the mostly standard 22 lbs and 30 inches.
"Oh yeah, we'll definitely get more use out of this with a higher weight limit!" I thought, rather smugly.
Well, little did we know that we would have a long and lean baby girl...
she outgrew the HEIGHT limitations well before she hit the weight.
At her one year appointment she was already at 30.5 inches...
and only 20 pounds!
Hahaha, so much for that....
we upgraded her infant car seat to this cush convertible seat shortly after.
It sat in our dining room for a few days until we got around to installing it in the car.
Wren had a great time climbing all over it...
sitting in it...
reading in it...
eating in it.
Glad she likes it, cause she spends a lot of time running around town with Momma in it!


Monday, June 4, 2012

Mother's Day

So I know that Mother's Day was almost a whole month ago...
but I really am running that far behind in pictures!!!
Here are some pics from that lovely day in May...

Aunt Josie, Macy, Grandma T, Wren, and me!

Wren's first time blowing bubbles

She wanted to try her hand at it, too.

Love this pic!

Momma and her baby!

Waving at Daddy

The girls!

My little nature girl

Going for a gator ride

Back at the pond

Everyone getting out to play!

Baby switcharoo!

So pretty out there!

Wren and Grandma T!

Every time we walk past this stuff, Wren has to touch it

Wanting to swing


Love this girl!


There she goes!

I had a great time celebrating my SECOND Mother's Day over at Jim and Kathleen's.
Brunch, bubbles, and babies!
Well, I guess they were babies last year...
this year they are running, climbing, crazy TODDLERS!