Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Stroller Rides

I know I have posted about Wren and her baby a lot already...
but she just loves her!
Here they are going for a ride together....

Now a solo trip...

She wanted to ride in that darn thing all day.

Soooooo, I know I still haven't posted Easter pics.
I have been researching convertible car seats like crazy lately.
It honestly takes up all of my internet time!
We just need to decide on one and buy it so I can get back to this kind of stuff!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Play Date with Macy

Earlier this week, Josie and I got the girls together to play.
Here they are on our walk around Matt and Josie's neighborhood.
We stopped to feed the geese...
and almost got attacked by a momma with her babies.
I didn't know that geese can hiss.


Daddy Goose, Momma Goose, and their babies.
They weren't very happy with us!

Mowing the lawn for Uncle Matt.

Macy thinking about getting on the big kid bike.

Check out that adorable dress!
Straight from Hawaii thanks to Aunt Stacy and Jesse!
I absolutely LOVE it!

Too bad she's not big enough to really mow the grass...
ours is in desperate need of a cutting.
Chris, I know you are reading this...

The mower hog (aka my daughter) is not very good at sharing.
Poor Macy.

Looks like Macy got a turn, but then Wren went in for the steal.

It's so nice having girls so close in age to each other.
They were born only one month and one day apart!
It's great that they will get to grow up with each other and (hopefully) become great friends...
I think Wren will definitely need to work on her lawn mower sharing skills for that to happen.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

12 Months

Wren had her 12 month well-baby appointment yesterday.  
For some reason we didn't get her percentiles, but I kind of remember where the doctor said she was...

20 lbs. 6 oz. (around the 40th percentile)
30.5 inches (around the 90th percentile)

Right on track!

This visit went really well and Wren did great.  Only one shot this time around (we space out all of her vaccinations) and a finger prick to test lead and iron levels.  She cried a bit,  but nothing that a few Annie's bunny crackers couldn't fix... but now this is where I have a problem.  When I hand over the tupperware container full of out-of-the-house treats, I am faced with my own moral dilemma.  Am I teaching my daughter that when you are feeling sad, hurt, or in pain that eating is the answer?  Am I teaching her to pacify her feelings with food?  Eh, maybe.  But I'll tell you what, if shoving a few cheddar snacks in her mouth keeps her from screaming her face off in a room that is no bigger than a jail cell, then so be it.  :)

But seriously.  Where do you draw the line when it comes to feelings and food?
If anyone has the answer, please let me know.
Being a parent can be such a difficult endeavor...

Can you believe that my baby is ONE?!
Uh, me neither.
This past year has flown by.
Wren is seriously so. much. fun.
Although she only says a few words with meaning...
"up," "hi," and "yeahyeahyeahyeah"....
she understands so much.
I feel like she knows exactly what I'm saying a majority of the time.
"Do you need a diaper?"...
"Are you ready to eat?"...
"Want to go bye-bye?"...
All questions she knows what I'm asking.
Her favorite response is, "yeahyeahyeahyeah."
Too funny.
Sometimes I will hear her saying it to herself while we are riding in the car.
It starts out slow and quiet, but gets louder and more urgent.
Kind of like, "yeah... yeah... yeah... yeahyeahyeahYEAHYEAHYEAH!!!"
I just love that girl SO much!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

1st Birthday!

How fast a year goes.
My baby is one!

Wren's birthday weekend was so much fun...
My family (Mom, John, Maeve, Sorcha, Fionn, and Grandma and Grandpa Knight) all made the trip down for the big celebration.  Fortunately, Wren's birthday fell on Easter weekend, which coincided perfectly with Spring break for the kids.  They left Thursday after school, spent the night in Bloomington, Illinois, and made it to our house right after Wren's nap on Friday!
We hung out at our house for a bit so Wren could warm up a bit to all the new faces.
She did great!

A little shy at first...

...but she warmed up pretty quickly.
Here she's playing with Grandma O's bracelet.

After playing for a while, we went over to Jim and Kathleen's to set up for the party.
I made all of the decorations myself, so it was awesome having so many helping hands to help set up!

Snuggin' Momma and Grandma O'
(Wren's Tiny Baby got in on some snuggin' action, too.)

Eating Cheerios with Grandpa O'

Hangin' with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa (and her favorite barn kitty) while we decorate.

With Great Grandma!

Wren loves her Aunt Sorch!

She also loves her cousin Macy...

Here's a big old kiss for ya, Macy! :)

After setting up, Grandma and Grandpa took us all out to eat at Texas Roadhouse.
It was so nice getting together with everyone.

The food was great and Wren did wonderfully, despite being waaaaay past her bedtime.

The next morning (Wren's birthday!), I made orange (birthday!) pancakes for breakfast.
They were so yummy!
Chris, Wren, and I spent the rest of the morning getting things ready for the party...
picking up cupcakes, putting the finishing touches on things, snuggin' on our one year old :)
The party was at 3:30pm, so after Wren's nap, we headed over for an afternoon of fun!

Tasty food, 6 (six!) different kinds of cupcakes, beautiful weather, lots of family and friends, and pony rides!
It was freakin' awesome.

Here are some party pics from the day....


I lined up her month-to-month pictures all along the wall.
This was month 11 and 12!

We kept a tally... Chris won.

Grandma T with the Birthday Girl!

Lovin' the pony!

Wren's friend Ava!


Huggin' Aunt Sorch!

Family pony ride!

Singing to the Birthday Girl!

 Birthday Girl with her cupcake!

My family! :)

This is where we kept the little kids...
just kidding.

With Aunt Sorcha... again!


Diggin' right in.


Most of the kids with one of the ponies.

What a wonderful day!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Momma Hen Wren

***Still going through birthday and Easter pictures.  Will post by next week... I promise!  :)

Wren carries her baby EVERYWHERE with her.
It's so sweet!
She's such a good Momma to her baby!

Wren loves her baby!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Backyard Fun

***This last weekend was a crazy busy weekend for us.  With my family in town visiting, Wren's FIRST BIRTHDAY!, and Easter, I have about a million pictures to go through.  I will probably split the weekend up into 3 posts... but it may be a little bit before I get through all the pics.  Until then, here is an entry that I wrote a week or so ago.  Hoping to post this past weekend's pictures soon!  

Another beautiful day outside!

Playing with the "flowers" in the raised bed.
Most definitely not weeds :)

Yes, those are baby-sized sunglasses in her hand.
No, she did not keep them on her baby-sized face.

Playing in the dirt...

...and now with the rocks.

Haha, this picture makes me laugh.
It is almost impossible to get a nice, full-on face shot of this girl lately.
This is the closest I could get.

Swinging time.
She really isn't a big fan of the swing yet.
She lasts about 10 seconds in it.

She loves playing basketball with Daddy, though!

Wren goes in for the steal...

...she's got it!

I'm sure she's looking for me here.
She usually takes the basketball away from Chris, then gives it to me.

Backyard Baby!