Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Minnesota/Wisconsin Trip- Part 2

Part 2 of our trip starts off back in Minnesota again.
After dropping Chris off at the airport in Madison, Wren and I spent the night at Dad's and headed back to Lewiston the next day.
We spent the next 10 days chasing ducks, feeding chickens, snuggling kitties, petting puppies... all sorts of fun stuff!

Wren at Grandma O's classroom helping her get ready for students.

I think this was our second trip to the Farmers Market in Winona... eating a cookie, probably.

Feeding the chickens

She LOVED doing this!

Helping Grandma O' with chicken chores

I think she really enjoyed just playing with the chicken feed

Lovin' being a country girl!

Fuzzy socks like Aunt Sorcha!

Snack time at the play house

At Lark Toys

Waiting for a carousel ride

The Girls!

She's got her token to ride!

Carousel at Lark Toys

Playing around on a pogo stick

We took this cute guy home with us

This girl loooooves playing with babies

Grandma O' showing Wren how to blow bubbles

Wren trying!

At the Secret Pizza Farm!

Such a lovely day!

Waiting for our pizza

Everyone came!

What a fun place!


Heading home again


Haha, Wren looks silly here.
At the Como Zoo with Kelly!

This giraffe was crazy!

Her favorite spot at the zoo... at the primate exhibit

She had a lot of fun watching these guys

This was the last picture of our trip... in Chicago!
...and then my camera died.

We ended up having a great time on our trip!
Wren slept well the whole time... which was one of my biggest worries.
I used a white noise maker on my Kindle during naps and bed time, and it worked like a charm!
 Wren did catch a bit of a bug for a few days while we were gone, but she still did great.
It was hard being away from Chris for so long, but I am really glad we made the trip back.
It was great to see everyone and be able to just relax rather than run around like crazy for 3 days.
We even made a day trip up to Minneapolis one day and saw 2 of my college roommates- Kelly and Anne.
It was sooooo good to see those girls!
I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked, but that's the way it goes sometimes.
Wren and I stayed in Lewiston until Friday afternoon, and then made the trip back to Baraboo that afternoon.
Chris's flight got in the next morning, so we spent that Friday afternoon/night hanging out with Dad and Barb.
Chris's flight got in on time (a little early, actually) and it was so good to see him!
10 days is a long time to not see each other!
Wren was pretty excited to see her Daddy again, too.
After picking him up, we decided to go home through Chicago and get lunch.
We ate at Fox & Obel and walked to Navy Pier after.
From Chicago, we only had about a 3 hour drive home.
And although we had a wonderful time visiting everyone, it was so nice to get home again!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Minnesota/Wisconsin Trip- Part 1

Last month, Wren, Chris, and I made our summer trip back to the upper Midwest.
We had decided earlier in the month that Chris would drive up with us, stay a few days, and then fly back to Indy while Wren and I stayed a bit longer, then he would fly back at the end of our trip to drive back home with us.
I figured it was a good time for us to do an extended visit.
Ever since I left for college, I really haven't been "home" for more than a few days at a time.
Every time I make it back, I feel like we are running in 10 different directions with so many people to see in such a short amount of time.
Sooooo, with only one kid in tow, and no pressing issues back home, Wren and I stayed in Minnesota and Wisconsin for 10 whole days after Chris left.
I was a little apprehensive at first, especially since Wren cried all the way back to Dad's house after we dropped Chris off at the airport in Madison.
I thought that maybe I had gone crazy thinking that being a single parent for a week and a half was a good idea.
But as it turned out, Wren did fine, I did fine... I think it was Chris who had the hardest time without us!  :)
We kept pretty busy the whole 2 weeks we were gone.
So busy, in fact, that I have split this trip up into 2 separate posts....
So, here ya go.
Lots of pictures ahead.....

Collecting eggs (or "llllags" as Wren says) at Grandma and Grandpa O's

"What's that over there?!"


Playing in the sandbox with Daddy

Digging for treasure

On Grandpa B and Grandma Barb's boat

Snuggling Grandma Barb

Clapping at the Tommy Bartlett Show

Just chillin' on the pontoon

"Nice form, Tommy Bartlett skiers"

Taking a bath in our whirlpool at the cabin we stayed in

Ready for our morning walk!

"Come on, Mooooom, let's go!"

Always waiting for Momma

Walking along the river

Getting dirty first thing in the morning

Love these two!

I think she spotted some ducks


Picking out corn with Grandma Barb

Smelling flowers at the Country Bumpkin

Too bad Lee wasn't wearing his fish shirt, too

Cutest little house at the Country Bumpkin

Wisconsin Family!

Obligatory Peas in a Pod pictures with Wren...
Grandma Barb

Uncle Graham

Grandpa B


Uncle Lee
(I think this one may be my fave!)

Uncle Joe

Haha, Wren sure was a good sport about taking her picture with EVERYONE!

On another walk

Just driving with Grandpa

That girl had absolutely no fear of the water!
She jumped right in and went.... kinda scary for me!

Wren just hanging out at our cabin

Our bedroom


Such a cute little home-away-from-home!

These pictures rounded off our trip while Chris was with us.
Part 2 to come tomorrow...
