Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Calla 6 Months

As of today, Calla is actually 8 months old.
Let's travel back in time, shall we?

June 27...

Almost sitting up completely unassisted...
Wren says to her sister, "Love you soooooo much!"
Calla is constantly into Wren's stuff.
She is rolling/scooting/inchworming around the house.
We started table food... bananas, sweet potato, avocado... baby-led weaning style.  

because I always have to take like 100 pictures to get one decent one.
...and because I think they are funny.

This girl makes me smile.

...and so does this one.
Wren had to have her picture taken, like Calla.
On the blanket, like Calla.
With a clip in her hair, like Calla.

Here's a little video action of my crazy jumping bean...