Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Playing Dress Up

Long time no see, eh?
We've been a pretty busy family this past month.
I can't believe I posted only ONCE in August!
Here's a brief overview of what we've been up to...

An awesome 2-week trip back home...
lots of painting, staining, and reupholstering while I attempt to redo the dining room (sort of)...
 Chris preparing to re-launch the petbookings website...
my 28th birthday...
 Chris's 31st birthday (today, actually!)...
Wren's vocabulary taking off...
 oh, and did I mention I'm already 23 freakin' weeks pregnant?!?!
Um... where did August go?

I have a ton of pictures to sort through from our trip home to Minnesota and Wisconsin.
But until then, here are some shots of Wren playing dress up earlier this summer...

Fluffy tutu, sparkly shoes, shiny jewelry... the girl's got the whole shebang goin' on!