Friday, February 10, 2012

10 Months!

Well, Wren's officially been out longer than she was in...
We couldn't get a laying down shot of her at all.
Not happening.
It was hard enough to even get her to sit still for these sitting pictures...
I even gave her a (wrapped) chocolate sucker for entertainment.

Here's little Miss Busy Bee....

I don't want to sit!

See ya, Momma!

I'm outta here!

Well, at least this sucker is interesting.

Oh hi, Mom.

Get my good side.

I'm just gotta eat this laying down.

So sad.
And so static-y.
(check out the crazy hair!)

Pick me up, Momma!

Now she's a happy girl.

Oooooh, a sucker AND a Valentine's Day bear!

Stop doing this to me, Mom!

Only 2 more months of pictures, Wren..
I promise! :)

Oh, my crazy 10 month old.
She's walking all over the place.
It's so funny to see this little person walking around my house!
Lita has become much more tolerant of Wren these days...
I think it's because Wren will play with her.
They play with a tennis ball together.
It's sweet.
She also gives kisses!
Big, open-mouth, sloppy kisses.
But they are the sweetest kisses I have ever received!
She loves "hugging" Jones.
I saw her give him a kiss the other day, too.
Boodles, however, is not much of a fan of Wren hugs and kisses.
She has just started babbling with consonant sounds this past month.
Mostly "bababababa."
No "mama" or "dada" yet.
She has favorite books now, too.
I swear I read "Five Little Monkeys" and
"Ten Wriggly Wiggly Caterpillars" about 50 times a day.
She never gets tired of them.

She gets more fun and entertaining every single day!