Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Children's Museum!

Chris and I took Wren on her (and my!) first trip to the Children's Museum a few weeks ago.
It was so much fun!
We ended up buying a year-long family pass while we were there.
I have already taken Wren once since then...
I plan on taking her A LOT this summer!
Here is the big girl before we left...
first time with piggy tails!

She left them in...
for a little while.

My blue eyed baby!

I just love this little face.

At the Hot Wheels exhibit.

She loved playing with all the cars.

Walking with Daddy.

Playing with Legos.

Wren's favorite spot in the Playscape...
the play house!
Playscape is for kids 5 and under, and it's WONDERFUL!

First carousel ride!

Clapping on the ride.

We had a great time at the Children's Museum!
Can't wait to spend more time there.
There is soooooo much to do and see!