Monday, June 17, 2013

Calla 4 Months

Oh my, I am incredibly far behind...
I have pictures for months 4 and 5, I just haven't posted them yet.
Calla is nearly 6 months old already!
I will (hopefully) do a post this week on her 5th month.
Anyway, here is our super smiley girl at 4 months old...

At 4 months, Calla is rolling "every place" as Wren would say.
Calla likes sitting up her her bumbo seat. Wren never cared much for it, but Calla seems to enjoy it!
She is now taking a bath in the big tub with Wren.  She was busting out of the tub we used in the sink, so now I put her big plastic bathtub in the regular tub when Wren bathes.  Wren loves having Calla take a bath with her. So much, in fact, that she's constantly trying to climb into Calla's tub with her. 

Wren still can't get enough of this girl...

Calla looks a little worried!

Such a sweet picture.
Sleeping on Pa!

Love this little sweet peach!

***Edit- These girls are crazy.  Calla thinks Wren is the funniest person, like, ever.