Saturday, January 14, 2012

9 Months!

Haha, so this is what we thought we were going to have to do in order to get Wren to lay still for pictures....

Chris actually holding her down...

....Chris hanging onto her legs....

...Chris taking Sophie the Giraffe hostage.
This attempt actually worked the best for pictures.


9 months old already!

I tried a "sitting session," too....

That was actually harder getting her to sit still than it was getting her to lay still... you can clearly see.

So many other things to do....

And Sophie the Giraffe is way more interesting than looking at the camera.

This is the closest thing I was able to get to a good picture.
Ah well, that's alright....

So, Wren's 9 months old already.  So, it's 2012 already.  So, where has the time gone?
I feel like I start every "Month" post like this, but it's true... time goes by so fast.  It's crazy.
Wren is growing up so quickly.  
She's "cruising" around the house all the time.  
I swear she took her first independent steps the other day going between Chris and me.  
She's getting so close to walking!
She waves hello and goodbye. 
She signs "more."
She eats like a horse.
She has 5 teeth in, at least 1 more well on it's way.
She needs to stop growing up so quickly....