Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sometimes Chris Dresses Wren....

....and this is what happens.

This is NOT an acceptable outfit by my standards.  

I mean, really... WHAT WAS HE THINKING?!?!
I just don't get it.  Chris has fashion sense.  He really does.  He dresses himself very well.  He is actually quite stylish.  That's why when I see him dressing her in things like this atrocity, I am blown away.
WHY would he think anything about this outfit goes together?

Poor girl.
Don't worry, we didn't leave the house dressed like this.
And I promised her that I won't let Daddy dress her when she goes to school.

Here's a full length shot so you can see the whole mess from head to toe.
Ay yi yi.


Marcia O'Duggan said...

Good Lord!
John says "what's wrong with her outfit?"

Shannon said...

how did i not know you had a blog!? love it! well, not the outfit...i totally side with you...but the blog!

Ms. Melissa said...

These pictures made me laugh to the point of tears. Sorry Chris, but the girl has a point!

Grandpa T said...

Chris maybe on to something. It gets your attention. As if Wren misses getting attention.

Grandpa T

grandma T. said...

everyone needs a good belly laugh now and then--I forgot how good it feels!! love it

grandma T.

Dad said...

What??!! Wren picked it out...I bet you all feel pretty bad now.

Shae T said...

Don't believe him! I think she probably would have had a better chance of wearing an at least sort of matching outfit if she would have picked it out herself. Seriously. Even just randomly grabbing a top and bottom would have probably matched better. He PURPOSELY put this combo together.

grandma T said...

for shame, for shame!

grandma T.

Marcia O'Duggan said...

Grandpa O' says:
really not too bad...
just need some plaid to tie it all together!
(he posted this earlier but it didn't go through)