Monday, April 9, 2012

Backyard Fun

***This last weekend was a crazy busy weekend for us.  With my family in town visiting, Wren's FIRST BIRTHDAY!, and Easter, I have about a million pictures to go through.  I will probably split the weekend up into 3 posts... but it may be a little bit before I get through all the pics.  Until then, here is an entry that I wrote a week or so ago.  Hoping to post this past weekend's pictures soon!  

Another beautiful day outside!

Playing with the "flowers" in the raised bed.
Most definitely not weeds :)

Yes, those are baby-sized sunglasses in her hand.
No, she did not keep them on her baby-sized face.

Playing in the dirt...

...and now with the rocks.

Haha, this picture makes me laugh.
It is almost impossible to get a nice, full-on face shot of this girl lately.
This is the closest I could get.

Swinging time.
She really isn't a big fan of the swing yet.
She lasts about 10 seconds in it.

She loves playing basketball with Daddy, though!

Wren goes in for the steal...

...she's got it!

I'm sure she's looking for me here.
She usually takes the basketball away from Chris, then gives it to me.

Backyard Baby!