Thursday, April 19, 2012

Play Date with Macy

Earlier this week, Josie and I got the girls together to play.
Here they are on our walk around Matt and Josie's neighborhood.
We stopped to feed the geese...
and almost got attacked by a momma with her babies.
I didn't know that geese can hiss.


Daddy Goose, Momma Goose, and their babies.
They weren't very happy with us!

Mowing the lawn for Uncle Matt.

Macy thinking about getting on the big kid bike.

Check out that adorable dress!
Straight from Hawaii thanks to Aunt Stacy and Jesse!
I absolutely LOVE it!

Too bad she's not big enough to really mow the grass...
ours is in desperate need of a cutting.
Chris, I know you are reading this...

The mower hog (aka my daughter) is not very good at sharing.
Poor Macy.

Looks like Macy got a turn, but then Wren went in for the steal.

It's so nice having girls so close in age to each other.
They were born only one month and one day apart!
It's great that they will get to grow up with each other and (hopefully) become great friends...
I think Wren will definitely need to work on her lawn mower sharing skills for that to happen.