Friday, March 16, 2012

Good Morning!

Since the weather has been so warm lately, I have been putting Wren to bed in 2-piece cotton jammies rather than her one-piece fleece jams.
I know I keep saying how she's getting so big...
but really, she is!
I think she looks like a toddler wearing these!
She's not my tiny baby anymore....
she's a little person running around the house.
And when I say running, I literally mean running...

...and she's off!

Running away to hide in Mommy and Daddy's room.

Nice try, Wren, but I found you!

Taking a break to read a book before breakfast.

Playing with toys!

Looking so BIG!

Stopping to play with Jones.

Running to Mommy!
Finally ready for breakfast....

I just love that little stinker!