Thursday, March 8, 2012


We are still here. 
I promise.
Things have just been... crazy... I guess you could say. 
Life is funny that way.

Blogging has definitely not even been on my radar.
 But I am back.
And I am ok.
We all are.

Some of you know what's been going on.
Most of you probably don't.
I know more than just close family read this blog...
according to my feedburner numbers, anyway...
unless it's my mom checking my blog an average of 50 times a day :)
So yeah, an explanation post will probably come.
Writing is very therapuetic for me.
So I'm sure I will write about it.
Just not quite yet.

So, anyway.....
This girl is growing up before my eyes.
Doesn't she look so big?
Growing up so, so fast.


Love her!


Marcia O'Duggan said...

I only check it 25 times a day, John checks it the other 25

Marcia O'Duggan said...

I only check it 25 times a day, John checks it the other 25