Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Braunschweiger*, anyone?

Chris came home from work this morning with a brown paper bag full of goodies.  My first thought was, "Booze?  At 10:30 in the morning?  A little early, but I'm game... Wren's still napping.   I could have a quick morning mixed drink before she needs to eat again.... Do we have any orange juice?  Hmmm, or Coke, maybe?"....  While I was trying to think about what kind of mixers we have in the house, Chris started unpacking the bag, and instead of pulling out glass bottles of alcohol, he pulled out beautifully wrapped packages of meat!  German meat!  Bacon!  Sausage!  Peppered Beef!  Schweinebauch!  Westfalian Ham!  We don't eat much meat around here, as you can see by my reaction to a bag full of meat.  Not that we don't like meat, we actually love it, but it's so hard to find meat from animals that have been humanely raised and not chock full of steroids and growth hormones.  Meat is like a treat around our house, and I kind of like it that way, actually.... we probably only make meals with meat once a week, and it's usually beef from the grass-fed cow we have in our deep freezer in the garage.  So this goodie bag was a real treat! I love the place it comes from...Claus' German Sausage and Meat (it's close to our house, too).  We get all of our "wursts" from there when we have cook-outs... bratwurst, knackwurst, bockwurst, any kind of wurst you can think of!  The guys that run the show there are German all the way.  It's neat to hear them speak with their accents, makes me think of my roommate in college, McKenna.  Her boyfriend is from Germany and he would crack me up by doing nothing but being German... he would say things like "puppy-cat" when referring to kittens... oh, and I loved the "short pants" that he wore.  Ah, Europeans and their funny fashion!  Anyway, back to the meat.  Chris and I just ate 3 sandwiches on rye bread (Claus makes bread, too... no preservatives, made fresh!) between the two of us.  Yum.  Looking forward to bacon and eggs this weekend!

*Despite the title of this post, we did NOT get an braunschweiger.  Makes me think of my mom being pregnant with one of the little kids... can't remember which one.  But I remember her eating it right out of the package.  It reminded me of wet cat food.  And it smelled bad.  Really.  Bad.  Some people seem to really like it, though.  Maybe I should try it someday..... it just might be delicious!

So, we have a sicky chicky here.  Pretty sure she has what I had this last weekend.  She's been sleeping all morning, so here are some pics from yesterday.  Not feeling so good, so nap time snuggling happened in Momma's bed....
 She loves sleeping with things on her face.  
I usually let her fall asleep that way, then I pull the blanket down.
Nothing better than a B&B (binky and blanky) in Momma's bed!


Marcia O'Duggan said...

On thin crackers with spicy mustard...mmmmmm!!!!