Friday, August 26, 2011

Bumbo Seat

Wren spends a majority of her play time on her belly these days.  I put her on her back, and she immediately flips over... I try holding her in my lap, and she squirms away pretty quickly.  She likes to sit up when I hold her sometimes, but she doesn't have the back support to sit up unassisted yet.  This is where the bumbo seat comes into play.  I put her in, snap the tray on, and give her some toys...

But I don't think she quite gets it.......

I placed her toys on the tray.....

 ....but all the toys were cleared off immediately...

...and she played with them on the floor instead.

That's alright.  We tried. 

Anyway.... here is a cute pic of Wren-a-roo wearing her newest hair pretty from Aunt Stacy!

  Love it!