Thursday, October 20, 2011

3 Year Anniversary

On Monday we celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary!  Chris took the afternoon off and the 3 of us went to Traders Point Creamery for the afternoon.  We had lunch at The Loft... all organic, local, and seasonal ingredients!  Our kind of place!  Chris had a Traders Point Creamery raw cheese grilled cheese sandwich, I had a 100% grass-fed beef cheeseburger (also with TPC raw cheese!), and Wren had veggies, grilled cheese crust, and a mini temper tantrum.  Ah yes, we were that family.  The family with the hollerin' baby in the nice restaurant where everyone is trying to enjoy their lovely lunch in peace.  Wren's food was gone (on the ground, in her tummy, or smooshed all over the front of her), and she was mad.  Really mad.  I took her into the bathroom to change her diaper and try to settle her down.  Not happening.  So I ended up taking her to the car to feed her while Chris stayed at the table to get the check and some ice cream to go!  We ate our dessert in the car while Wren nursed, then we walked all around the farm a bit.  We saw cows and chickens, took a little walk through the fields, and watched the cows get milked.  It really was a lovely afternoon with my family!  :)

I think the sun was right in Wren's eyes.

Broccoli for lunch!

This makes me smile!

My 2 favorite people!