Monday, October 3, 2011

Graham and Lee Came to Visit!

Graham is moving to Atlanta, Georgia!  I am so happy and excited for him... I'm hoping he enjoys his experience of moving away as much I as enjoyed mine.  It can be scary moving so far away from home... but it's exciting as well!  Moving to North Carolina and then California after graduating college was a great personal experience for me.  I enjoyed living on both coasts for awhile... and then eventually moving back to the Midwest.  Just feels more like home here!  Anyway.... Lee is helping Graham move, and the boys stopped on their way through and stayed the night.  I wished they could have stayed a bit longer, but it was nice to see them nonetheless.  Wren was smiley and happy during their visit... she even dressed in her Wisconsin outfit for the occasion!

Wren and her uncles!

Uncle Lee!

 Showing off her Wisconsin getup to the Uncs

"Hey, what's that thing on your face?"

Haha, still staring at Lee... Lee stared back.

So glad we got the see them!  Looking forward to seeing both of them again at Christmas... I think Wren is, too! :)


Marcia O'Duggan said...

She really IS looking at Lee!!! Morbid fascination or gazing adoringly?