Saturday, October 1, 2011

Busy Week!

Wow.  I feel like we have been on the go all week long.  I worked a couple of long days, Grandma and Grandpa Knight came to visit Tuesday-Wednesday, we set up for Teresa's baby shower Friday, and had the baby shower today!  Here are a few pics from when the grandparents came to visit....

 Hanging out with Great Grandma

 Outside the War Memorial downtown Indianapolis

You will not believe how many pictures I had to take in order to get 
just one where that woman was not talking....

We had a nice day with Grandma and Grandpa here.  They came over to our house and played with Wren for a bit, then we went downtown to the War Memorial Museum and walked around for awhile.  We all went to dinner at Fireside that night.  Wren did really well with both Grandma and Grandpa!  She's kind of been in the "stranger danger" phase, but she let them hold her without too many tears. So that was Wednesday... here are some pictures from Friday.  Chris and I set up the garage for the baby shower while Wren played in the baby barricade we made for her on the floor.  She looked too darn cute not to take any pictures...

 Peeking from inside the barricade walls

Grandma T bought her some new cold weather clothes this week.  
Here she is showcasing her brand new vest.

 So stylish!  

So sweet! 

I will post baby shower pics tomorrow.  Been uploading all of September's pictures to facebook and such tonight.  Done with the computer for a bit.  I'm ready for a glass of wine or a bowl of ice cream.... or maybe both.

Happy October!  New blog design is called for!


Grandma T. said...

too freakin cute! I want a copy of her in her hoody for my book. Grandma T.