Friday, October 7, 2011

6 Months!

Half a year old already!  Wow!  I can't believe Wren is 6 months old... jeez.  Our monthly photo shoot was not fabulous today.  It's so dang hard to get her to lay (and stay) on her back.... I may have to come up with a different idea for the next 6 months' worth of pictures.  

"I have a question, how long do I have to do this for?"

You can kind of see her little baby teeth!

This is Wren's side pose.  She loves sitting like this.  A lot.

Why so sad, Chickaloo?

Haha, makes me laugh!

What a goof.


Daddy stopping her.  
She thought it was pretty funny.



Bright light!

Let's try this again...

Cutie Pie!

I think this is one of my favorite pictures.  Ever.  

I really seriously can't believe that my baby girl is 6 months old today!  She doesn't even seem like a baby any more.  I know she technically still is a baby... but she's not the little itty bitty baby we brought home from the hospital way back in April.  She has teeth... and she's crawling... and laughing... and (mostly) sleeping all the way through the night... oh, and throwing temper tantrums.  Funny stuff. She's getting SO BIG!  Last night I packed away all of the clothes she has grown out of in the past 6 months.  I really got sad doing it, too.  Some of the outfits looked so tiny.  It's hard to believe she was ever that small... and now she's so big.  It really was difficult for me to pack away the 0-6 month clothes.  Oh well, hopefully we will get to use them again someday!  :)


Marcia O'Duggan said...

ohhhhhh....precious! I really like the pic where she is raising her hand!