Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mobile Babies Are NOT Easy to Dress

Here is Wren after a bath the other night.  It's proving to be more and more difficult to get her fully clothed.  I bring everything to the crib to get her ready for bed... diaper, lotion, bottom balm, pajamas.  As soon as I lay her down in her crib, she rolls over, pops up, and scoots around to get everything that I brought over.  You can also see her toy in the back right corner.  That's Soft Baby.  She's usually the distraction I use to get Wren dressed.  Soft Baby was of no help on this particular evening, however....

Naked baby on one side of the crib...

Naked baby on the other side of the crib... 

Naked baby definitely not interested in getting dressed....

Naked baby tasting her diaper...

Apparently naked baby was waaaaay more interested in the diaper than in Soft Baby tonight.

I eventually did get Wren diapered, lotioned, balmed, and dressed.  It can be a lot of work!  I feel like I have to wrestle her down, pin her to the mattress, and quickly try to get everything done while she squirms all over the place.  Not an easy task, mind you.  It's not that she doesn't like getting dressed, she's not crying or upset while I'm attempting to do all this stuff... she just has so many other things she thinks she needs to be doing.  So much to do and so little time.  No time to slow down, momma!