Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Where has the week gone?

It's 5 o'clock on Wednesday night already... where have the past few days gone?  And what have I actually done???  I guess I worked for a few hours on Monday... booby class at St. Francis after that (breast feeding support group, really... but booby class sounds more fun)... then I picked up Chris and we went to go get my lost wallet.  I lost it on Sunday at the farmer's market.  We started to leave as it started raining.  It was just me and Wren, so I had to get her out of the stroller and into the car, unload all of our purchases from the stroller, and pack the stroller into the trunk... all while dodging raindrops.  At some point, my wallet fell out of the diaper bag.  Luckily, a kind, honest woman found it and contacted me the next day.  So happy it was returned!  What a pain in the butt to have to replace everything in there.  Sooooo... that was Monday.  Tuesday was laundry day... library day (picked up some books I cannot WAIT to read)... workout day (hoping to run a 5k this fall)... and Wren and I visited Meghan, Ava, and Jonah, too. Today, I worked on decorations for my friend's baby shower in October all morning... unsuccessfully ran a few errands... apparently not many places take personal checks anymore.  I had cancelled my debit card as soon as I realized my wallet was missing on Sunday.  So although I have everything back, my debit card does not work, and the replacement isn't supposed to come for 10 business days!  Boo.  Every place I went today, I asked as soon as I walked in if they took checks.  Nope, nope, nope, and nope.  Let's see.... I did some baking and cooking the past few days, too... chocolate chip cookies, homemade whole wheat rolls... oooh, and dinner is in the oven now.  One of my favorite, favorite recipes from "A Homemade Life" by Molly Wizenberg.  Doron’s Turkey Meatballs with Golden Raisins and Pine Nuts.  I usually turn it into a meatloaf just so I don't have to hassle with rolling out meatballs.  The meatballs are super good, though... especially with the yogurt sauce she mentions in the recipe.  So yummy!  Anyway, it's in loaf form this evening... along with some roasted potatoes and onions.  Should be tasty.  I guess as I am looking back at this entry, I have done quite a bit these past few days.  It just feels like the time has gone so fast.  I have noticed that time has been picking up rapid speed as I get older.  Yikes.  Alright, baby is up and dinner is almost ready....

Here are a couple pics of chickaloo this past week... she was being silly with her spit rag.  She loves covering her face with it and pulling it off.  Funny, funny girl.