Thursday, September 15, 2011

We Have a Tooth!

I noticed it last night.  Wren was chewing on my hand while I was giving her a bath, and I felt something sharp digging into the base of my thumb.  I'm use to her gumming the heck outta my hand, so feeling something poking me was definitely strange.  After I got her out of the tub, I rubbed her gums with my finger, and sure enough, there's a little tiny baby tooth there just starting to poke through!  The front bottom left.  I can't believe it... sort of a bittersweet moment.  I'm happy she's getting teeth, but it means my baby is growing up!  So frickin fast.  Dang.  The tooth is a little hard to see yet, and every time I try to get a look, she pushes my finger out with her tongue.. so hopefully I can get a picture soon when it starts showing a bit more.  As a nursing mother, teeth kinda freak me out... we will see how this goes :)

We spent some time outside in the backyard today.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous!  It was seriously 92 degrees here on Tuesday.  Today I woke up to temps in the 40's!  The 40's!  It was quite chilly, actually... but this afternoon it warmed up to the 60's, so we got outside for a bit.  Wren had her first real experience with grass.  I feel bad that she's 5 months old, and it's the first time I've had her in the grass.  It has been so ridiculously hot here there summer, though... we hardly got out at all the past few months.  I'm hoping now that fall weather is here, we will get out much more often.  Anyway, she liked the grass... she tried eating it, and picking it, and all that fun stuff.  Hopefully she doesn't have skin super sensitive to grasses like her momma.... so far so good, though!

 Loved playing with the grass.

Looking like she wants to crawl!

 I love the kitty on her butt!

She had to see what flying in the grass was like... silly baby.


Marcia O'Duggan said...

I LOVE these grass pics! And remember babies usually bite once due to the instinctual response of the mama one hollering and jerking baby away!